Bridal Bouquets // Chicago Wedding Photographer

Cabin fever effecting you too? Yesterday morning (at that point it had been 48+ hours since I had stepped outside) I started looking through photos from this year and felt myself drawn to pretty pictures of flowers. Is it because I’m starting to think winter will never end and I will never see green again? Possibly. But mostly I am just a huge sucker for a creative floral arrangement. I am a firm believer that a bouquet done right just because an extension of wedding or bridesmaid dress, that done right a bouquet brings out pieces of the bride’s personality. Here are some of my favorite blooms from 2013 :) flowers_0013 flowers_0011 flowers_0017 flowers_0015 flowers_0012 flowers_0014 flowers_0016 flowers_0018 flowers_0019 flowers_0020Some of the fabulous florals come from the talent at the following locations Dilly Lily / Andrea Allen / A Vintage Bloom / Ashland Addison Florals / Joseph’s Florist / Flowers Flowers

  • Amanda Miller - That first image took my breathe away! Love!ReplyCancel